Static Caravan Insurance

Comprehensive cover built to protect you, allowing you to enjoy your caravan with complete freedom and peace of mind.

A mobile home is shown in two different seasons
  • Accidental Damage

Repair or replacement of your caravan or contents following an accident including storm, flood, fire and theft.


  • Keeping You Secure

We will replace locks in your doors, windows and even your alarm following loss or theft of keys.


  • Public Liability

As a consequence of bodily injury or property damage to a third party while care is taking place.

  • Additional Property

Cover includes your valuable extras such as verandas, decking, gates, steps and storage units.


  • Legal Expenses

Protection from expensive legal proceedings that arise in connection with your occupation and use of the caravan.


  • New for Old option

Optional cover extension to replace your static caravan with a new version if it is beyond repair.

Or call 01476 512190 and quote "Four Seasons"